rift valley trek

5 Days Great Rift Valley Trek Overview

This 5 Days Great Rift Valley Trek lets you see the Ngorongoro volcanoes, Empakai crater, Stunning vistas, Walking with Maasai Warriors, Learning about local tribes and customs, witnessing changing times and culture, the unique habitat of Lake Natron, and Flamingoes feeding and preening in freshwater streams.

Starting on the rim of Empakai Crater in the Ngorongoro Highlands, with stunning views inside the crater, you can spend a cozy night at Empakai Camp. You then trek to Leonotis Camp, through picturesque Maasai villages, to a remote camp just on the edge of the Gregorian Rift. After a magical night at Leonotis Camp, camping underneath the stars and golden acacia trees, you trek down the Rift Valley, with breathtaking views throughout. You are collected at the base of the rift by car and transferred to Lake Natron Camp, where you can relax by the natural pool, have a massage, and take part in activities such as waterfall gorge hikes, flamingo walks, and seeing hominid footprints…and not to forget well-deserved sundowners!

Ngorongoro volcanoes, Empakai crater, Stunning vistas, Walking with Maasai Warriors, Learning about local tribes and customs, witnessing changing times and culture, the unique habitat of Lake Natron, and Flamingoes feeding and preening in freshwater streams.

Starting on the rim of Empakai Crater in the Ngorongoro Highlands, with stunning views inside the crater, you can spend a cozy night at Empakai Camp. You then trek to Leonotis Camp, through picturesque Maasai villages, to a remote camp just on the edge of the Gregorian Rift. After a magical night at Leonotis Camp, camping underneath the stars and golden acacia trees, you trek down the Rift Valley, with breathtaking views throughout. You are collected at the base of the rift by car and transferred to Lake Natron Camp, where you can relax by the natural pool, have a massage, and take part in activities such as waterfall gorge hikes, flamingo walks, and seeing hominid footprints…and not to forget well-deserved sundowners!

5-Day Great Rift Valley Trek Itinerary


On arrival at Empakai crater, it is possible to descend into it. This is around 40 minutes down and, depending on the season can be quite slippery, but it is certainly a great hike with stunning views. Flamingoes are often seen flying into the crater or feeding in the lake at the base. A hot shower is available before dinner.

Dinner and Overnight at Empakai Camp (full board).


Dawn rises, and our lofty position affords a great sunrise. As we had breakfast, our camp crew broke camp and departed to send the camp ahead with donkeys. We then set off hiking with Maasai guides, following a route that takes us through picturesque Maasai villages and rolling hills. Lunch can be taken on route as a picnic or if guests are very fit a late lunch can be had in camp. In the late afternoon, a hike up to a nearby viewpoint is highly recommended and a great place for sundowners!

Dinner and overnight at Leonotis Camp (full board).


The final hiking section has two options: a shorter hike or a longer, more strenuous one along the rift wall. The spectacular views and the active volcano Oldoinyo Lengai dominate the foreground. This volcano affects almost everything from hydrology to lifestyle, as will become apparent. Once down on the Rift Valley floor, we are picked up and transferred to Lake Natron Camp, Ngare Sero, and here, we have the chance to jump in the natural pools to cool down. Sundowners are served at any number of beautiful points close to camp.

Dinner & overnight at Lake Natron Camp (full board)


Lake Natron has a number of activities that are very easily combined with dawn walks and sundowners. In the middle of the day, there is the nearby Ngare Sero gorge, which you can walk to. There are options of long hikes to the source or shorter hikes to waterfalls. The staff are on hand to make your stay as adventurous or relaxing as you want.

Dinner & overnight at Lake Natron Camp (full board)


After breakfast, you can do some additional activities before departure, and picnic lunches are provided to ensure you reach your goal well-fed.

Marking the end of your 5 Days Great Rift Valley Trek