Enduimet is a wildlife-managed area (WMA) in Olmolog and Tinga Tinga wards in the West Kilimanjaro Basin of Longido District. Kilimanjaro National Park borders it on the South-East, while on the North, it borders the Tanzania-Kenya political boundary. On the west side, the WMA borders with the Ngasurai Open Area. Enduimet is close to west Kilimanjaro, about 20km from the WMA center.

Endunmet was established in 2003 and is surrounded by nine villages that together form the Wildlife Managed Area (WMA)

Animals in Enduimet

The Enduimet WMA hosts a variety of wild species, which include: –

  • Elephant (often), Buffalo (often), Giraffe (often), Leopard, Oryx, Lesser Kudu, Eland, Gerenuk, Klipspringer, Hartebeest, Bushbuck, Wildebeest, Bushbuck, Hyena, Thomson Gazelle, Grants Gazelle, and other small animals
  • Ecologically, it acts as a connectivity between the Mkomazi National Park, Arusha, Kilimanjaro National Parks, and Tsavo ecosystems.


Enduimet WMA can be accessed using various roads;

  1.  A gravel road from Bomang’ombe through Sanya Juu and Engare Nairobi to Rongai,
  2. The rough road from Arusha-Namanga road junction at Longido village to Sinya, Ngereiyani, and Tingatinga.

Activities in Enduimet Wildlife Management Area Tanzania?


Hike through the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro with a local Maasai warrior. See the diverse wildlife native to Enduimet, such as zebras, giraffes, gazelles, and, depending on the time of day, some rare animals. The bird life is active and plentiful, so don’t forget to grab your binoculars!


Grab a bike and head out on an adventure. Choose between a short bike ride or a full day of cycling. The difficulty levels range, but nonetheless, it’s a unique experience. It’s just you and your bike, maybe a few zebras and antelopes!

Game Driving

Jump into an open-topped safari vehicle and head across the plains of Enduimet to view wildlife and diverse bird populations in the vast landscapes below Kilimanjaro. Seek out special species native to Enduimet, like Gerenuks, Lesser-kudu, or Oryx. Busy during the day? That’s okay; night drives can easily be arranged.

Donkey Trekking

Enduimet offers bushwalking treks and expeditions. Go places where cars can’t go and explore the landscapes off the beaten path. All while experienced donkeys carry your food and equipment across the rough terrain supervised by a Maasai guide

Visit Maasai Tribe

At Enduimet, we are proud to have the authentic Maasai experience, as they have done for many years. Visit a boma and immerse yourself in their daily routine by milking a cow, walking 3 kilometers to fetch water or firewood, and preparing a meal. In addition, Enduimet is one of the only places to see a hand-dug water well, which connects the community by bringing water collection points closer to the village. At Enduimet, you’ll experience the culture of the people!

Visit the Kenyan-Tanzanian border.

As the Wildlife Management Area (WMA) lies so close to Kenya, you can easily visit the official border between Tanzania and Kenya. Concrete blocks mark the border at the edge of Enduimet. You will be taken through the area’s history and learn about the steps between Tanzania and Kenya.


The Night Game Drive experience at Enduimet Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is a captivating journey into the mysteries of the nocturnal world. It offers a unique opportunity to witness the enchanting activities of wildlife that come alive under the cover of darkness. Here’s what you can expect from this extraordinary adventure.

Setting the Stage

As the sun dips below the horizon, your Night Game Drive begins. A knowledgeable guide will accompany you, armed with a spotlight to illuminate the nocturnal wonders of the enduimet wildlife management area.

Nocturnal Wildlife

The Night Game Drive introduces you to a different cast of characters. Creatures that retreat during the day emerge from their hiding places. From elusive predators like lions and leopards to smaller animals like genets, bush babies, and owls, you’ll have the chance to observe a range of wildlife in their natural habitat.

Spotlight Exploration

The spotlight becomes your window into the darkness. The guide’s skilled use of the light reveals reflective eyes and unique behaviors that are otherwise hidden from view. The experience is as thrilling as it is informative.

Eco-Friendly Approach

Enduimet Area  follows responsible tourism practices, ensuring that the Night Game Drive experience doesn’t disrupt the natural behaviors of the animals. Guides are trained to maintain a respectful distance and minimize disturbances.

Supporting Conservation

By participating in the Night Game Drive, you contribute directly to the conservation efforts at Enduimet WMA. The funds generated from this activity aid in the protection of wildlife habitats and the promotion of sustainable practices.

Sense of Adventure

The night air is mysterious and exciting. Every rustle in the bushes, every distant animal call, and every shadow cast by the spotlight contribute to an atmosphere of anticipation, making the experience a true adventure.

Memorable Experience

The Night Game Drive leaves an indelible mark on your memory. The thrill of encountering wildlife under the stars, the symphony of sounds that fill the night, and the sense of being a part of this hidden world combine to create an experience that is both awe-inspiring and unforgettable.

Enduimet Night Game Drive

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